Monday, April 6, 2009

The way singers are "being born" in Israel

When we were children, most of the singers who "made it" went through what is known in Israel as the "Army Troupes". These where young singers and musician who went through their army service entertaining soldiers, it was a very desirable line of army service.. and a lot of them end up being outstanding singers for the next 40 years. Nowadays, although Army Troupes are still popular, a lot of the new stars are being born out of TV reality shows like A STAR IS BORN (Israeli Idol..), here is one of my favorites by young singer Carmel Akman LIKE A CRAZY BIRD , and here are some of the good oldies of the Army Troupes: SALUTE TO THE ARMY BANDS. One of the famous Army Bands was the NAHAL BAND . There is a wonderful movie that was made about these band called "THE TROUPE" (photo on left). Here is a song from that movie called "TRANQUILITY" (You can get the movie from Scarecrow video or Netflix). The phenomenon of Army Troupes is intrinsically connected with Israeli folklore and "Israeli-being".

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