Monday, September 7, 2009

A Better Place

A young Israeli entrepreneur by the name of Shai Aggasi founded Better Place about 2 years ago putting together the frame work for the electrical car of the future infrastructre, based entirly on green energy, and Israel is going to be the first place where it is going to be launched on a grand scale starting 2011, followed by Denmark, Hawaii, Australia, Canada and Japan.

Shai Agassi Speaks in Washington, DC

Shai Agassi: A bold plan for mass adoption of electric cars

1 comment:

  1. Boaz!
    Interesting, I had no idea that Israelis have joined the Green movement with such force that they are manufacturing this car. If you have the chance to test drive one when you're in Israel next time you'll have to let us know what you think. Also, I'd love to hear other ways that ecologically minded people are changing lifestyles in Israel.
    -Heather (sorry couldn't get the "comment as" button to do what I wanted)
